
Image is a control that display local or remote image in .NET MAUI. The following illustrates one of the simplest way to load an image in an app.

        <Image Source="" />

Image Aspect Property

Understanding Aspect property through a sample.

  • Fill - Scale the image so it exactly fills the view. Scaling may not be uniform in X and Y.
  • AspectFit - Scale the image to fit the view. Some parts may be left empty (letter boxing).
  • AspectFill - Scale the image to fill the view. Some parts may be clipped in order to fill the view.

XAML Sample with Image Aspect

        <StackLayout Margin="10">
            <Label Text="Original Image - 192x192" />
            <ContentView WidthRequest="192" HeightRequest="192" Background="Gray" Margin="5">
                <Image Source="redappleisolated.jpg" Aspect="Fill" Margin="1"/>
            <Label Text="Fill on 350x50" />
            <ContentView WidthRequest="350" HeightRequest="50" Background="Red" Margin="5">
                <Image Source="redappleisolated.jpg" Aspect="Fill" Margin="1"/>
            <Label Text="AspectFit on 350x50" />
            <ContentView WidthRequest="350" HeightRequest="50" Background="Green" Margin="5">
                <Image Source="redappleisolated.jpg" Aspect="AspectFit" Margin="1"/>
            <Label Text="AspectFill on 350x50" />
            <ContentView WidthRequest="350" HeightRequest="50" Background="Blue" Margin="5">
                <Image Source="redappleisolated.jpg" Aspect="AspectFill" Margin="1"/>

Local Image

You can follow the steps below to load a local image.

1. Create a .NET MAUI project.

2. Copy an image to Resources/Images.

3. Make sure the BuildAction of the image is set to MauiImage.

            <MauiImage Include="Resources\Images\redappleisolated.jpg" />                


            <MauiImage Include="Resources\Images\*" />                

4. In MainPage.xaml, add the following:

        <Image Source="redappleisolated.jpg" />

Run the project to see the image.
