
A WebView is a control for displaying HTML (HyperText Markup Language) or web content.

        <StackLayout Margin="10">
            <WebView x:Name="webView" 
                        Source="https://mauiman.dev" />

Specify the Source property to a URL string to display a website from the internet. Alternatively, the Source can be set in C# code.

Code Behind

        public MainPage()
            webView.Source = "https://mauiman.dev";

WebView loading local HTML/Web File - NOT WORKING

Create a Raw folder in Resources and add an index.html with the following content:

                <title>.NET MAUI Local HTML Web</title>
                <h1>.NET MAUI Local HTML Web</h1>
                <p>.NET MAUI Local HTML Web.</p>

Set the BuildAction of index.html to MauiAsset. If you edit the project file, you should see the following tag attribute.

            <MauiAsset Include="Resources\Raw\index.html" />

Set the the Source of the WebView to the following and run the project

        <StackLayout Margin="10">
            <WebView x:Name="webView" 
                        Source="index.html" />
